I. Preamble
As a business enterprise, H+D recognizes its social responsibility. As a benchmark for successful business and for the management of responsible business operations, H+D follows in particular the principle of sustainability, which has an impact on all areas of society. H+D undertakes to live up to its social responsibility in all its business activities and to comply with the principles and principles set out below.
II. Human Rights
H+D supports and respects the observance and implementation of internationally recognized human rights. Within its sphere of influence, H+D ensures that it is not complicit in human rights violations. H+D also undertakes to oppose any form of discrimination and to prevent, within its sphere of influence, discrimination based in particular on gender, race, ethnic or cultural origin, religion, ideology, age or sexual orientation.
III. Labor Standards
H+D undertakes to respect the applicable standards of labor law (in particular freedom of association). It ensures health protection and occupational safety in the workplace and strives to participate in the improvement of the working environment. H+D rejects all forms of forced labor and child labor and actively advocates their elimination. H+D also rejects any discrimination in the context of employment relationships.
IV. Environmental Protection
H+D is committed to a forward-looking and precautionary approach to environmental problems. First and foremost is the principle of sustainability, which calls for the protection of the environment for future generations. On the basis of this principle, H+D will try to avoid, as far as possible and from the outset, burdens on and damage to the environment caused by its production and the productions of its suppliers. It is committed to the further development and dissemination of environmentally friendly production standards and technologies. H+D encourages and supports environmentally responsible behavior in general and by its employees in particular. It respects the applicable laws for the protection of the environment.
V. Fight against corruption
H+D rejects any form of corruption. In particular, the business interests of the company are strictly separated from the private interests of the employees, so that all actions and decisions in connection with business activities are uninfluenced by extraneous considerations, personal interests and financial or non-financial advantages of the respective decision-makers. H+D also respects free and fair competition. It undertakes not to enter into or support any arrangements or other agreements that inadmissibly impede free and fair competition. H+D observes the applicable laws against corruption and for the protection of competition.
Lindlar, in Juli 2013
Benjamin Tasche

The benefits of collaboration with HECHT + DIEPER
HECHT + DIEPER is your expert in injection moulding of plastics.
During development, our customers benefit from our many years of expert knowledge, in the area of design, our own toolmaking, as well as our competence in production.
Together - as specialists, we know that only the joint development of components is the best prerequisite for the optimal functionality of your product.
Since more than over 40 years we have been developing and producing technically challenging components of the highest precision for various industries.
In order to be able to deliver quickly, we believe in long standing and reliable cooperation with local logistics partners.
Regular optimization in development, toolmaking and production is a continuous process for us and thus the foundation for high efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Everything is local. We develop and produce plastic components - from the idea to production - one-stop. Our service enables short communication channels.